If you would like a copy of an article listed below, email gernot.klantschnig@bristol.ac.uk
Klantschnig, Gernot and Dele-Adedeji, Ini & Schmid-Scott, Amanda (2022) “Nous avons tout perdu”. Les conséquences catastrophiques de la criminalisation des moyens de subsistance en Afrique de l’Ouest , The Conversation, 9 November, viewed 01 November 2022, <“Nous avons tout perdu”. Les conséquences catastrophiques de la criminalisation des moyens de subsistance en Afrique de l’Ouest (theconversation.com)>
Brabant, Justine and Cohen,Corentin & Klantschnig, Gernot (2021) ‘Drogues : l’Afrique au-delà des discours prohibitionnistes et eurocentrés, Mediapart, 2 November, viewed 02 November 2021, <Drogues : l’Afrique au-delà des discours prohibitionnistes et euroc… — Mediapart> [English abstract accessible here]
Klantschnig, Gernot and Dele-Adedeji, Ini & Schmid-Scott, Amanda (2021) ‘We have nothing left’ – the catastrophic consequences of criminalising livelihoods in west Africa , The Conversation, 9 November, viewed 09 November 2021, <‘We have nothing left’ – the catastrophic consequences of criminalising livelihoods in west Africa (theconversation.com)>
Klantschnig, Gernot & Dele-Adedeji, Ini (2021) Opioid of the People: The Moral Economy of Tramadol in Lagos. Politique africaine, 163, 85-105. DOI:https://doi.org/10.3917/polaf.163.0085 Opioid of the People_ PDF version
Cohen, C. & Klantschnig, Gernot (2021). Introduction to the topic. Prohibition from below: Moral negotiations, local contestations, and their limits?. Politique africaine, 163, 7-22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3917/polaf.163.0007 Introduction_English pdf version
Cohen, Corentin & Klantschnig, Gernot (2021) Introduction au thème. La prohibition par le bas : négociations morales et contestations locales. Politique africaine, 163, 7-22. DOI:https://doi.org/10.3917/polaf.163.0007 Introduction_ French pdf version download
Policy Briefing (2020) – Based on discussions held at our first policy workshop in Ibadan (Nigeria) on 9 and 10 March 2020. It engaged key policy makers and practitioners from national, international and non-government agencies with research on the trade in Tramadol and the transport of migrants in Nigeria and Niger. URL
Carrier, Neil and Klantschnig, Gernot (2020) Drug policy in Africa: a history of global and regional dynamics. In D. Bewley-Taylor, & K. Tinasti (Eds.), Research Handbook on International Drug Policy (pp. 131–144). Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI:10.4337/9781788117067.00017
(2019). Fake drugs: health, wealth and regulation in Nigeria, Review of African Political Economy, 46:161, 442-458. DOI:10.1080/03056244.2018.1536975
Frowd, Philippe (2018). Security at the Borders: Transnational Practices and Technologies in West Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DOI:10.1017/9781108556095
(2018). Quasilegality: khat, cannabis and Africa’s drug laws, Third World Quarterly, 39:2, 350-365. DOI:10.1080/01436597.2017.1368383
Apard, Elodie and Cohen, Corentin: Report: Echos of human trafficking for sexual exploitation: from Nigeria to France.